Is Christianity a cult in your opinion?

Is Christianity a cult in your opinion?

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Wow. This is one heck of a writing prompt! I’ve never considered using that word in an association with Christianity previously. I would guess it’s likely due to the negative connotation surrounding the typical use of that word. Seemingly still hesitant as I’m noticing I’ve used “that word” twice already without specifically writing out “cult”. Reading the links you provided and subsequently pulling out the dictionary to better define the word for myself I’d have to say… yes, I think it is.

Having accepted the premise, I now feel compelled (for an unknown reason) to couch that a bit and say I come to this conclusion based on anecdotal evidence pulled from my own experiences/observations. I feel like the public facing persona is one of welcoming curiosity and open dialog but by and large that was not the actual experience upon entering into a given institution (the Church). This seems like a negative cult like behavior to me. Without writing a book here, there are other aspects of things similar to what I heard Lindsay mention in on of your podcasts regarding “catch phrases” repeated to discourage thought such as “faith of a mustard seed” or “child like faith” when I’ve asked questions or had challenges.

Anyway, I’m rambling a bit and haven’t really coalesced my thoughts this question prompted, but I really appreciate the willingness to put the question out there and solicit input from others in an attempt to have a discussion. Good stuff! Thanks!

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Welcome @jsnkle ! Thanks for signing up and giving some input in the conversation. If you like, and when you are ready, feel free to head over Introductions and give a bit of your story; we would love to know more!

I too, am hesitant to use the word “cult” for Christian religions. However, in an upcoming episode we will go over some of the feelings I experienced when watching a few shows that made me feel as though I could’ve been susceptible to cult leaders.

This podcast has some personal connection:

And this series hit me in the gut…

I’m looking forward to it. I’ve seen the one about “Mother” and Love Has Won. Agreed that it was and continues to be gut wrenching. I’ve not seen the one related to Mars Hill but I have watched a few of their videos back in the day. I’ll check it out it advance of your upcoming episode. Thanks for the tip to introductions and share my story. I’ll definitely do that!

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Episode 5 is out; were we talk about this very question!

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Playing catch up today. Looks like y’all have been busy since I last visited! Doing some work around the house so it’s a great podcast day!

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Hope it makes chores a bit more tolerable. :wink: