This episode has a “pre-read.”
Editorial Corrections
- The shooting mentioned was in Charleston (June 2015, not Charlotte) and the event mentioned in question was in Charlottesville (August, 2017) regarding our house church prayer.
- I (Robert) was wrong, the Bible was right side up: Did Trump Hold the Bible Upside Down?
Digging Deeper
- The year was 2015 YouTube Link
- Make Like a Tree and Get Outta Here! YouTube Link
- Trump launches 2015 presidential bid atop the Trump Tower escalator YouTube Link
Character Matters
- The Deeper Reason Trump’s Taco Tweet Is Offensive Link
- The Real Record of the Reagans on Gays and AIDS Link
- How Trump talks about women - and does it matter? Link
- National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey PDF
- Donald Trump criticised for mocking reporter with disability Link
- Donald Trump: I could “shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters” CBS News Link
- Peanuts? YouTube Link
- How Trump talks about his faith: ‘God is the ultimate’ YouTube Link
Was America Great?
- The Newsroom Speech by Jeff Daniels YouTube Link
- Jim Crow Laws end in 1954 Link
- The Equal Credit Opportunity Act Department of Justice Link (When women could apply for a credit card.)
- List of things prohibited to women in the US Link
- Marital rape in the United States Link
- Donald Trump’s long history of racism, from the 1970s to 2020 Link
- Fidel Castro Link
- Trickle-down economics Link
Women’s Issues
- Single women were given the right to birth control 50 years ago today (Mar 22, 2022) Link
- 7 in 10 Women Who Have Had an Abortion Identify as a Christian LifeWay Research Link
- Percentage distribution of U.S. women obtaining abortions in nonhospital settings and of all U.S. women aged 15-44, and abortion index, by selected characteristics, 2014 and 2008 Guttmacher Institute PDF
- Can Endometriosis Increase Your Risk for Miscarriage? Link
- Did Trump Claim Credit for Overturning Roe v. Wade? Link
Guns, Violence
- Civil War (2024) Link
- Gun Laws in Florida Pensacola News Journal
- Inside the Capitol Riot: An Exclusive Video Investigation Link